member'S bandS
Great Bands Playing Near You
member'S band ELIGIBILITY
There are two ways to be eligible:
Established Band: one or more members currently jams, or has jammed, with the Jefferson Jammers.
New Band: one or more members comes out and jams with the Jefferson Jammers
In both cases:
the member band is known for its country music, though it may also play other genres.
one or more band members jams with the Jefferson Jammers at least once a year.
performing with the Jefferson Jammers automatically makes you a a member.
band members accept their performance at the Jefferson Jammers is not a paid performance -- we all do this for the love of country music & our country music loving community.
member'S band BENEFITS
Our marketing reach continues to grow daily. How we promote Member's Bands:
Announcements at Jams and some Special Events. (Reach: 75+/Week)
Your nearby gigs on our Facebook Page Events Calendar. (Linked to our Social Media marketing)
Announcements in our Members-Only Facebook Group.(Reach: 77+ with a 15% growth rate)
Announcements through our Social Media Partner Network. (Groups: 9 / Regional Reach: 86,671+)
Announcements through our established media outlets: (Total Reach: 887K / Local Reach: 8,250)
Albany Democrat-Herald -- (Total Reach: 417K / Local Reach: 4K)
Corvallis Gazette Times -- (Total Reach: 445K / Local Reach: 4K)
Lebanon Express -- (Total Reach: 25K / Local Reach: 250)
Annual Poster -- "Great Bands Playing Near You" (Local Business Supporters: 100 Posters/Year)
Poster is linked to our website's Member's Bands page (this page).​
Our website (this page). Your band listed with a linked to your primary online presence.
Google (SEO) for "Jefferson Jammers" Search Returns: 643,000 pages, our website is listed as #1.
Our dedicated marketing team will handle all the above on your behalf, at no cost to you.
about member'S band
Our relationship with our members and their bands is a long standing tradition for the Jefferson Jammers.
We greatly appreciate these groups of talented musicians. As a thank you to them for sharing their time and talent with us we like to promote their near-by performances and encourage our community to show up and support our members and their bands.
We'd love to support your band too?
Checkout the Eligibility tab to learn how simple it is to become a Member's Band member.
Checkout the Benefits tab to learn the promotional value to your band.
Feel free to download and use these poster and graphic files.
Click here to download the PNG file. Designed for online/social media marketing.
Click here to download the PDF file. Designed for printing a 8.5"x11"posters.