"it's great country music & dancing for the whole family"
JJ Ranch
( "the Double-J" )
Boss Lady: Joann, co-founder
Boss Hand: Peggy, co-founder
Wranglers: Kathy, Linda, Derek, Marc​
Ranch Hands: You, when you help out.
Bucky: Donations and Official Mascot.
We function like a ranch, with the Boss Hand and Wranglers carrying out the Boss Lady's ranch hospitality.

As our official mascot, Bucky looks for ways to help make our jams and events fun for everyone, like the Bucky's Breezy Blade™
you can use to help keep yourself cool
after dancing or when it's just too hot.
Boss Hand
The Boss Hand is second in command on the ranch.
She helps the Boss Lady run a fun and safe place for
people to come and have a great time.
Wranglers keep things running smoothly so musicians, dancers, and visitors truly enjoy their time on the ranch and will want to come back with their friends for another JJ Ranch experience.
Ranch Hands
Everyone else that helps out on the ranch in some way. Some people call it volunteering, but we like Ranch Hand better.

Invite a Friend
It's easy, just give 'em a pick.
our Pick has the website.
our Website has the details.

picks are sponsored in part by our friends at
Clayton custom picks.